Master of Ministry (MMin)
The Master of Ministry is a specialized ministry program designed to equip believers for effective practical ministry in the local church and other ministry settings. The program seeks to cultivate maturity and skills in the practices of ministry, within the local church.
Program Details
The Master of Ministry program is a specialized ministry program designed to equip believers for effective practical ministry in the local church and other ministry settings. The program seeks to cultivate maturity and skills in the practice of ministry within the local church and or missional setting. The program seeks to stimulate theological thought and discourse in the setting of a cohort of global students. Furthermore, the program facilitates critical thinking and increases the students capacity to think and write concisely and effectively, demonstrating the students increased capacity to engage with theological discourse in practical ministry settings.
TNIU purposes to fulfill its mission by:
- Providing students classical, professional, theological and business instruction with an evangelical Spirit-filled ethos and within an ecumenical setting.
- Preparing men and women academically, professionally, and spiritually for the lay and ordained ministries of the Church.
- Developing business leaders who will embrace strong ethical business practices and live out the values of Christ in the workplace.
- Cultivating Christian leaders for servant-oriented ministry in both Church and community.
- Stimulating candidates to develop Biblical and ethical lifestyles that undergird a mindset for ministry and business.
- Encouraging students to develop their spiritual gifts while developing strong professional skills.
- Enabling candidates to integrate Biblical, theological, ministry and business skills through reflective supervised ministry experiences.
Program Objectives
The Master of Ministry program seeks to equip and or provide students:
- For a specialized ministry within the local church, church-related agencies, and the community.
- With the theories and practical skills necessary to effectively minister where they are called.
- With increased Biblical and theological understanding to undergird these specialized ministries.
- With professional training enjoined by the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
- With supervised ministry training for those entering specialized ministries.
Master of Ministry Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the Master of Ministry, students will be able to:
- Demonstrate knowledge of Scripture and the ability to properly use hermeneutical and exegetical principles to interpret and apply the Word of God in life and ministry.
- Survey the heritage and traditions of the Church and the Pentecostal/Charismatic Movements.
- Articulate a Biblical theology of ministry for the student’s area of ministry.
- Integrate Biblical and theological knowledge in the area of ministry studied.
- Communicate the Gospel clearly and effectively.
Master of Ministry Entrance Qualifications
- Successful completion of a Bachelor level degree.
- In special cases, older mature candidates (ages 30 and above) who may not have completed an undergraduate degree but have extensive verifiable ministry experience (minimum five years) may be admitted upon successful completion of the qualifying assessment.
Master of Ministry Graduation Requirements
Currently, TNIU offers one Graduation Date each year in May. To graduate with the Master of Ministry degree, the student must:
- Successfully complete a minimum of 36 semester credits of coursework, including required courses, with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.
- Complete any outstanding homework and fulfill any past due financial obligations to TNIU.
- File the Graduation Application during the Fall Semester (typically Sept-Dec), preceding the May graduation, before participation in graduation ceremonies will be considered. For more details, please see the Graduation Requirements section in our Catalog.