The New International University

Doctor of Ministry (DMin)

The Doctor of Ministry is an advanced professional program for those persons already successfully engaged in Christian ministry. The program is designed to enhance professional competence in the practice of ministry, to provide opportunity for the renewal of the minister’s personal and spiritual life, and to stimulate growth in ministry.

Program Details

The Doctor of Ministry program draws students into a learning environment that includes global and cultural diversity as it relates to the student body, and faculty. Anchored by teaching from a historically rooted, whole Bible narrative theology, students receive direct exposure to the new realities of a global world in the associated with economic, social, political, environmental, and spiritual transformation.

The Doctor of Ministry, is distinct from the PhD. or ThD. in that its primary focus is on implementing and strengthening the church minister, relevant to practical issues in Christian ministry. The Doctor of Ministry does require demonstration of critical thought and the highest academic standards.

The courses are delivered online. Consider the courses immersion opportunities in that they will consist of a “deep dive” into culture from different perspectives as students participate with fellow students from countries around the globe in theological discussion. In this experience, students will be practicing methods for penetrating local cultures to uncover potential ministry and mission opportunities.

The next step in the educational process is the coaching and research course that helps students identify and clarify their project topic. After which, the students will design research, drawing from personal, academic and class related course experience for their final Ministry Project. Students can select project topics that explore new interests; have immediate practical benefit to their current work; or build toward a publishable work.

TNIU’s Doctor of Ministry program is unique in many ways. We ask students to write every assignment, including the dissertation project, in ways that benefit the wider context in which they live and work. Once the student has completed his/her degree both the institution and the student will have been strengthened.

Program Objectives

  • Provide experienced Christian leaders the opportunity to increase professional effectiveness.
  • Encourage candidates in the process of self-examination and spiritual renewal.
  • Allow candidates the opportunity to explore significant Biblical, theological, and ministry themes as issues relative to current ministry.
  • Assist candidates in their professional development by enabling them to apply Biblical and theological concepts to their personal ministries.
  • Facilitate candidates in developing increased leadership effectiveness.
  • Assist candidates in examining the distinctiveness of Spirit-filled ministry and the release of such ministry in the local church.
  • Examine contemporary trends in ministry and worship.
  • Allow candidates the opportunity to develop significant comprehension in a chosen area through the process of the Doctor of Ministry Research Dissertation Project.

Doctor of Ministry Learning Outcomes

The DMin. degree focuses on practical aspects of professional and lay ministry. Upon completion of the DMin. Degree, students will be able to:

  • Articulate a mature Biblical theology of pastoral ministry and leadership.
  • Denote mature knowledge and understanding in daily church ministry tasks.
  • Articulate one’s ministry identification with a realistic understanding of one’s own strengths and weaknesses in ministry.
  • Demonstrate the ability to think, write, and speak analytically on Biblical, theological, and practical ministry issues.
  • Demonstrate proficiency in directing people and programs for effective ministry.
  • Articulate the distinctive of a Spirit-led ministry in the local Church.
  • Articulate a broad knowledge of contemporary trends in ministry.
  • Demonstrate a mature and comprehensive knowledge of the area of ministry examined and implemented.
  • Develop and write a project, which makes an important contribution to Christian ministry in the Church and/or advances understanding of the practices of ministry within the Church.

Doctor of Ministry Entrance Qualifications

  • Successful completion of a Master of Divinity degree or its equivalent.
  • A minimum of five years of ministry experience.

Doctor of Ministry Graduation Requirements

Currently, TNIU offers one Graduation Date each year in May. To graduate with the Doctor of Ministry degree, the student must:

  • Successful completion of 36 semester credits of coursework, including required courses, with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0.
  • Complete any outstanding homework and fulfill past due financial obligations to TNIU.
  • Successfully satisfy the Research Dissertation Project requirements.
  • File the Graduation Application during the Fall Semester (typically Sept-Dec), preceding the May graduation, before participation in graduation ceremonies will be considered. For more details, please see the Graduation Requirements section in the Catalog.