Our Values
Our sovereign Lord Jesus Christ has called us individually and collectively, to love God and our neighbours as ourselves. Thus, we pursue our work with passion, engaging actively in the pursuit of relationships that will further Gods purposes for the world without thought of our own comfort and personal agendas.
Celebrating Community
We are grateful and recognize that every good and perfect gift is from God. We take time to acknowledge God’s good gifts that come to us personally and in our work together.
As a global university, TNIU strives to create a community that provides a place for every person to succeed in using their God-given gifts, talents, and abilities recognizing the contribution of each person with gratitude.
We commit to listening, praying, speaking, working, studying, suffering, struggling, and doing theology together, not solely in isolation. Our communion is local and global. It includes the saints of the past, that “great cloud of witnesses,” our Board, Partners, Faculty and Staff, students, and those they serve.

Respect & Diversity
People, in all their diversity are created in God’s image and therefore worthy of respect. We show respect by being accountable to one another, giving and receiving praise and constructive feedback and dealing with conflict in a direct manner. We honor one another by listening, communicating in an open, patient and sensitive way. We encourage and value each person’s input, ideas, and perspectives. We show consideration through clear communication and punctuality. We acknowledge our differences and work together to complement our strengths
and shore up our weaknesses.
The New International University believes that all people are created in the image of God and is committed to providing equal opportunity and access in its educational and spiritual programs and activities. The school provides full and affirmative compliance with the provision of Title VI of the Civil Rights Acts of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Age Discrimination Act of 1975.
The school does not discriminate, on the basis of race, color, gender, national or ethnic origin, handicaps or disability, age, marital, or veteran status in any of its policies, procedures, or practices. This includes its admissions policy, educational programs, treatment, employment,
and all other activities that it provides. In addition, recognizing that women and men are equal partners in the ministry of building the Kingdom of God, the University strongly discourages the use of discriminatory language. The University also prohibits any form of sexual harassment by any of its employees and students.

We seek to be an honest reflection of God, who became visible in Jesus Christ. The fundamental spirituality of Jesus is submission to the will of God. We listen intently for God’s direction and commit without excuse to follow his path. We pursue truth with grace, strive to live and act with holiness and mercy, and seek justice with compassion. We value authenticity in our words, emotions, and actions.

TNIU is a community formed around spiritual reflection, authentic relationships, and sacrificial mission. It is a higher educational institution committed to developing incarnational servant leaders who are intentional instruments of God in their communities and workplaces.
For more about our Educational Values & Philosophy, view our academic catalog.