The New International University offers study courses at Undergraduate, Masters and Doctoral levels.
TNIU provides a worldwide model of undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate education that invites students to evaluate and reinvent how they accomplish their work. In addition to degree knowledge, TNIU’s education includes enhancing student values and changing paradigms.
This is accomplished through experiences that move students to consider cultural contexts related to new global realities. TNIU is committed to utilizing cutting-edge communication tools, a diverse global student body, various church affiliations, experiences, and cultures to influence and inform.
The curriculum of TNIU’s Masters and Doctoral Programs has been developed to prepare servant leaders with a strong vibrant knowledge of the Word of God and with a balanced theological position within the Kingdom. The curriculum is intended to develop the ministering servant as person, leader, communicator, businessperson, shepherd, teacher, worshiper, caregiver, reconciler, counselor, community influencer and administrator. There is a thorough integration of Biblical and theological knowledge with practical hands-on supervised ministry experiences and Christian based leadership principles for every avenue of life. Taught by Global faculty; seasoned with professional ministry, business and non-profit experience, the curriculum and faculty are tailored to produce Spirit-formed servant leaders for the twenty-first century.
The Undergraduate degree programs at TNIU reflect the Institution’s deep commitment to the structure and rigor of a traditional university education. Each program is constructed to ensure that students acquire intellectual breadth, across the major divisions of knowledge, and have the opportunity to explore and experiment in other areas of personal and professional interest.
Our Undergraduate courses will empower your ability to think critically and communicate effectively, employ appropriate analytical tools and methods, understand one’s place in a rapidly changing global world, explore questions from multiple perspectives, and respond creatively to challenges in a range of contexts.
Our courses encourage intellectual discipline, stimulate the imagination, foster life-long love of learning and equip students to engage with the growing complexities of present day realities.

With a mandate to raise up leaders for the Church and community, The New International University recognizes the revolutionary view of leadership presented by Christ. Scripture declares that leaders are first servants and that humility is the true essence of ministry. So profound and significant is this truth and blueprint for ministry that the Gospels state it several times. We are repeatedly instructed to become servants if we desire to be leaders in the Kingdom of God.
Thus, we must know that God is calling ministers to be His servants, and He has given us the unsurpassed model of His Son as an example to follow. Even as Christ faced death, He modeled obedience. He wrapped Himself with a towel, took a basin of water, and washed the disciples’ feet. Our Postgraduate programs seek to train leaders in all disciplines to lay down all for Christ, pick up the towel and basin, and obey His divine call to become servant leaders.
The curriculum of TNIU’s Doctoral Programs has been developed to prepare servant leaders with a strong vibrant knowledge of the Word of God and with a balanced theological position within the Kingdom. The curriculum is intended to develop the ministering servant as person, leader, communicator, businessperson, shepherd, teacher, worshiper, caregiver, reconciler, counselor, and administrator. There is a thorough integration of Biblical and theological knowledge with practical hands on supervised ministry experience and Christian based leadership principles for every avenue of life. Taught by faculty, seasoned with professional ministry and business experience, the curriculum is geared to produce Spirit-formed servant leaders for the twenty-first century.